Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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Assembly Source File
132 lines
; Type
; AnyString = string[255];
; ColumnType = 0..80;
; RowType = 0..25;
; Const
; H = 'H';
; V = 'V';
; Procedure GetStr( HV : Char;
; VAR S : AnyString;
; X : ColumnType;
; Y : RowType;
; LEN : Integer);
; Reads string at X,Y into S for length LEN.
; HV is either 'H' or 'V', indicating
; a horizontal (right to left) get or a
; vertical (top to bottom) get, respectively.
; If X=Y=0, then read begins at current
; cursor position. Otherwise, read begins
; at (X,Y). On exit, cursor points to last
; byte read plus one.
GETSTR proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
mov ax,[bp+8] ; get X
or ax,ax
jz g001
; *** Set DH,DL
dec al
mov dx,[bp+6] ; get Y
dec dl
mov dh,al
xchg dh,dl
jmp G002
; *** Get Cursor
G001: xor bh,bh
mov ah,3
int 10h ; get cursor
; *** Set length of S
G002: mov es,[bp+12] ; segment of S
mov di,[bp+10] ; offset of S
mov cx,[bp+4] ; LEN
mov es:[di],cl ; set length
inc di
push cx
; *** Convert X,Y to offset
mov bl,dh ; row
xor bh,bh
mov ax,bx
mov cl,7
shl ax,cl ; row * 128
mov cl,5
shl bx,cl ; row * 32
add bx,ax ; row * 160
mov al,dl ; column
xor ah,ah
shl ax,1 ; col * 2
add bx,ax ; cursor offset
; *** Move string to S
pop cx
mov si,bx
mov bx,449h
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov al,[bx] ; video mode byte
cmp al,7
jne graphx
mov dx,0B000h
jmp c001
mov dx,03DAh ; for IBM CGA,
VR: in al,dx ; we must do this
and al,1000b ; so we won't see
jz vr ; snow . . .
mov dx,0B800h
c001: mov ds,dx
mov dx,[bp+14]
cmp dl,'v'
je g002a
cmp dl,'V'
je g002a
mov dx,2 ; Set H incr
jmp g003
G002a: mov dx,160 ; Set V incr
G003: mov al,ds:[si] ; get screen char
stosb ; store it in str
add si,dx ; next screen char
loop g003 ; loop until done
cmp dl,2
je g004
sub si,158
; *** Set Cursor
; for exit
G004: mov ax,si
xor dx,dx
mov bx,160
div bx
shr dl,1
mov dh,al
mov ah,2
int 10h
pop ds
mov sp,bp
pop bp
ret 12